

May 01, 2021 simpletreasuresforsaleblog

Over the last few years I have become comfortable with an I Tried Motto.  I find that it is better to try than it is not to try.  You never know what you can do until you try.  If someone would have told me a few years ago that I would have an online business that provides people from all over the United States and United Kingdom with their favorite beauty products at discounted prices I would have told you were crazy.  Until I tried I had no clue that I could do that on my own.   Over and over I keep trying things that are not in my comfort zone but because I believe in my business I keep trying.  Sometimes things work out like I want and sometimes they don’t. When things don’t work out I don’t count that as a failure.   I just keep moving forward in a different direction and try something else.  I do my best to learn from my mistakes and keep learning as much as I can.  

The moral to this story is you never know what you can do until you try. If it doesn’t work out try another way.


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